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Marc Mayerson


Labor & Employment Law

Personal Injury & Torts

Business & Commercial Law

Insurance Law


Washington, D.C.

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Marc Mayerson brings more than three-decades’ experience in complex dispute resolution to his work for AMANDA ADR as a neutral, mediator, and arbitrator.  He was a founding Insurance Coverage Neutral for another arbitration organization; was a Superstorm Sandy mediator; and serves as an arbitrator for the DC Bar concerning attorneys’ fees disputes. He has chaired many three-person and solo arbitrations, and his legal practice includes representation of clients in mediation, arbitration, and other alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms.  He teaches insurance law at two top-25 law schools and is widely published on insurance matters, including on dispute-resolution and settlement of complex insurance-coverage disputes. He has trained other professional mediators on resolving insurance-coverage disputes and participated in training for reinsurance arbitrations. The substance of matters in which Marc has been involved regarding insurance include employment, personal injury torts, business-competition, franchise, corporate and director liability, business-interruption, cyber, and many others, particularly involving complex factual scenarios.  Marc’s reputation for fairness, principled analysis, and creative problem solving instills confidence in the participants in ADRs in which Marc is involved.


Marc is principal at The Mayerson Firm PLLC, based in Washington, DC, which he founded after having previously practiced at both large international law firms and a specialized litigation boutique. He received is law degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School, where he was a member of The Harvard Law Review. 

To schedule a mediation or arbitration with Mr. Mayerson or to obtain his fee schedule, please contact or call (212) 465-1128. 

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